Feb '21

deeper matters
Feb '21

The young people in our community face many challenges such as being socially isolated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the constant bombardment of social media vying for their attention. At 71Five City, I’m always looking to push past these barriers, to drive our discussions to a deeper level, challenge assumptions, look at worldview, and help the youth realize… ideas have real life consequences. Recently our efforts have paid off with a great and lively conversation about some of the hot button issues kids are wrestling with and genuinely care deeply about. Chloe expressed to us, “I can’t really say what I think about this because they would cancel me.”
It’s an awesome opportunity and great responsibility to reach these kids and share the hope of the Gospel. At 71Five, we love piercing through the superficial and creating lasting relationships with the youth. Thank you so much for your vital effort to reach and affect these young kids!
Shane Skirvin, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB