Feb '23

Eternal Work
Feb '23

It’s been amazing to see the growth Youth 71Five Ministries has had over the years, especially within the past 3 years since COVID hit. When things seemed to be getting tough, God was at work behind the scenes. Fast-forward to now, we’ve grown in the number of youth we reach weekly, our staff, and the physical locations from which we serve the youth throughout Jackson and Josephine Counties. At each of these locations, kids are hearing about Jesus, asking questions, and choosing to follow him. All of which couldn’t be done without our volunteers and donors. You are the hands and feet of Christ, every time you reach out and lend your hand, finances, or prayers. You are shining the light of Christ into the lives of these kids.
Thank you for boldly furthering the reach of 71Five and making an impact in the lives of over 1200 young people this past year. You are making a difference, you are doing eternal work in God’s Kingdom. Thank You!
DARLENE KNUDSON, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB