Aug '22
Transformed By The Fire
Aug '22
As I’ve worked with kids over the years, I’m often stunned by the amount of pain I see in their lives. I’ve noticed young teens are fairly quick to share their struggles and hurts. I’ve also noticed they often feel like they’re shouting into the wind, and nothing happens. This is when they choose to shut their mouths and things go dark and silent. They get cynical and feel nothing matters anymore because no one cares.
A couple weeks ago I went to our Middle School Camp and attended the campfire where kids shared their stories. Yet again I was shocked by how hurt many of the young people are. They were sharing struggles and hurts hoping for someone to care. I was blessed to see the kids weren’t shouting into the wind. Staff and other young people were coming to stand with them, listening, encouraging, and letting them know they’re loved. The kids also heard the message that God loves them and proved it by sending Jesus. During that campfire I saw in real time, lives were being transformed.
You provide the answer kids need when it feels like they’re shouting into the wind. They discover there is trust that leads to hope, indestructible and eternal. Thank you!!
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
(541) 301-0897 | bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB