Sep '21

What 3 F’s?
Sep '21

At 71Five City – West Medford I asked the youth why they liked Thursday Night Kids Club. Without hesitation Kylah shouted, “The three F’s.” I challenged her by asking, “What three F’s?” She quickly responded, “Food, Faith and Fun,” as she referred to the format of our weekly time together. Every week we sit down to enjoy a family style dinner with Kylah and almost 20 other young kids in the West Medford community. We spend time catching up with each other as we prepare for a night of fun and games, but, before we transition, we always take time to discuss our faith. While some kids seem to be impatiently tolerating the conversations, Kylah is totally engaged, raising her hand before we can even finish the questions. When I asked which is her favorite part she explained, “Faith, it’s fun to talk about God.”
Thank you for sharing the hope found in Jesus with Kylah. Her faith is growing because of your faithful partnership.
KEN RUIZ 71Five City – West Medford Coordinator
(916) 519-4679 | ken@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB