Youth 71Five Ministries (2018 – Today)

In 2017, the YFC national organization chose a new direction which limited ministry to only young people between the ages of 11-19. As a local chapter of YFC/USA, under the leadership of Bud Amundsen, Executive Director, and the Board of Directors, we asked if they would reconsider since we’ve been working with kids outside of that age range for over 20 years. Our local board felt, in good conscience we could not end our ministries to the young people outside the 11-19 age range. For a year and a half we worked hard to come to an agreement, but in the end it was clear our local ministry would not fit well with the new direction of YFC/USA. Due to the incompatible ministry strategies we were asked to end our charter with YFC/USA as of the end of 2018. So… our name has changed but our mission and methods did not. We continue on as Youth 71Five Ministries to share God’s story with young people through trusting relationships in any relevant way!
Rogue Valley Youth for Christ (1964 – 2018)

Youth 71Five Ministries was organized originally as Rogue Valley Youth for Christ in 1964 under the guidance of local people concerned about the welfare of kids in our community. Ralph Mundlen was the first Executive Director who began local ministry using large rally events. In 1967, Jim Settle was hired and he began Campus Life Club ministry. In 1973, an energetic Don Hildebrand was hired and the Campus Life Club format was used throughout the 70’s and 80’s as the ministry became firmly established in the Rogue Valley. Hildebrand also became well known as the host of Reflections, a very popular teen call in radio show. After 20 years of service Hildebrand left YFC and Bob Murphy filled in briefly as Interim Director. Brad Bills was hired six months later in 1993 as the Executive Director. Brad continued YFC’s vision of reaching every kid by implementing a goal to have Campus Life Youth Centers near each of the High Schools in the Rogue Valley. After 17 years with Rogue Valley YFC, Brad accepted a position as a Regional Director with Youth for Christ USA. In 2009 Bud Amundsen was hired as Executive Director. Bud started his career in 1991 as a Campus Life Area Director in Ashland, Oregon and also served as the Ministry Coordinator with Rogue Valley YFC.

Youth for Christ/USA has had a distinctive history of youth evangelism. In 1944 Billy Graham and Torrey Johnson held a Youth for Christ rally in Chicago. The ministry of YFC spread like wildfire across the USA. Today at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, YFC staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. For more about the national movement of Youth for Christ, visit

YFC/USA is part of a world-wide movement of Youth for Christ International. We are knit together with our common mission, vision, statement of faith, and passion to reach young people with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. However, YFC ministry doesn’t look the same in every country. If you are interested in serving with Youth for Christ in a country other than the United States, be sure to visit Youth for Christ World Outreach at For more about Youth for Christ International, visit