Aug '22

“It’s too hot out here!”
Aug '22

The summer went quicker than expected, although there were times I thought it would never end… We held a summer class of four students where they were challenged by a project of building two sheds for the local school. We had hot days of over 100 degrees so encouraging the students to endure through the heat was an equal challenge to the construction. As the work started, Christian, one of our students, said, “It’s too hot out here!” After suffering for a few days but not wanting them to quit, I brought three big umbrellas to provide some shade. The young men faithfully came throughout the summer, showing up to class early, working long days and then for two students, piling themselves and a bike into my little car to get home. In the middle of this tough, hot, grind, relationships were built, and lives were changed.
Whether before class, building sheds, making many mistakes, taking students home, or going out to lunch, you provided creative ways to build trusting relationships that lead to hope. These students learned to work hard in uncomfortable conditions. They learned new skills in the building trade. Best of all, they learned they are loved. Thank you for making a difference.
JEFF MORITZ, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 450-7108 | jeffmoritz@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB