May '19

With good behavior and God’s blessing
May '19

In most of these stories you receive from us the names are changed to protect people’s privacy but not this time. . . Ellie came to juvenile detention in October 2017. Though her first time in detention, the charges were huge with consequences life changing for many. During the year and a half for her case to move through the system trusting relationships with 71Five staff were built. Today, Ellie resides in a youth correctional facility where she will stay for the next decade or more. After that she will transfer to adult corrections to complete her sentence. With good behavior and God’s blessing, Ellen Friar will walk into freedom about the time she turns 35. In a statement Ellie told how her heart and life have been changed through her introduction to and forgiveness from Jesus Christ. She publicly declared; “it was the 71Five ministry team that introduced me to God.”
We are committed to Ellie’s ongoing growth, healing and discipleship. Through her journey many more broken lives will likely be touched by the love of God. From one generation to the next, the Good News brings hope and you provide the bridge of trusting relationships. Thank you! MATT SWEENEY 71Five Connect Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 matt@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb