Posted on Jan 27, 2025 by Isaiah Abney in Life Change Story | 0

Last year was my first couple of months being the 71Five City Coordinator. It was also the year I learned that even though things don’t always go as planned, it doesn’t mean that its all bad. There were times I couldn’t find the right game to play, the lesson didn’t go as planned, and the food didn’t turn our just right! To really drive this lesson home, I had my van breakdown on the way back from the California Redwoods. Two students (on their very first 71Five trip) came up to me and told me with much joy that they in fact “…had such a great time!” When we couldn’t find the game… Some had a good laugh! When a lesson didn’t go as planned it still touched a students heart! And, when the food was served a little cold… Some kids still had a good meal. Last year taught me that it’s not about everything going right, but to rely on God… everything is going according to His will.
Thank you for contributing to learning the process at 71Five… for staff and students!
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Oct 29, 2024 by Isaiah Abney in Life Change Story | 0

A couple of years ago Aiden lost his mother to cancer. Since then, it’s been very difficult on Aiden and his brothers. Since I’ve known Aiden, he’s always had sort of a mischievous sense of humor. On Wednesday at 71Five City’s after school Drop-In, I told the story of how I woke up screaming from a cramp in my calf and how it woke one of my siblings up. For some reason, and for the very first time, I witnessed Aiden give a real and genuine laugh and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen from him! This is a huge milestone for Aiden… From a kid who I’ve only seen slightly force a grin or chuckle while he’s busy annoying someone, has now opened himself up with this emotional response. I’m hopeful that Aiden is ready to share the real and genuine young person he is with us.
Thank you for providing the little steps of opportunity for real transformation in the youth at 71Five.
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jul 29, 2024 by Isaiah Abney in Life Change Story | 0

This was Lena and Laya’s first day trip with 71Five. The day started like any regular youth trip with us first gathering and prying for fun and safety. We headed out for the coast, stopping in the famous California Redwood National Park, home to some of the tallest trees in the world. The drive was semi-pleasant for them, accounting of course for all the twists and turns through the monster trees towards the coast. The twins were hesitant at first to sign up to go on this day trip because up to now they have only been to club a limited number of times, didn’t know very many of us, and didn’t know what to expect. Then the van broke down. Unfortunately, we were stranded on the roadside for a couple of hours waiting for a second van to come rescue us. The amazing thing is when the twins approached me, they joyfully said, “This is an awesome first trip!”
Thank you for caring for Lena and Laya… God used our van breaking down on this youth trip to show the twins they don’t have to be afraid!
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five City – Liberty Park Intern
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Apr 22, 2024 by Isaiah Abney in Life Change Story | 0

Kayden and Braxton regularly attend our 71Five City – Liberty Park elementary clubs. These two define what it means to be a boy. They are always spontaneous, full of laughter, and intrigued with just about everything under the sun. During a recent lesson about the crucifixion, they learned about what happened to Jesus before he went to the cross… And for a moment it was like Christ got a hold of these boys and He told them, “I did all this for you!” They listened.
Only the Lord knows where the seeds landed. I believe that Christ spoke to these boys, and they heard Him loud and clear. Because of you, we are planting seeds in the hearts of young people and providing hope throughout the Rogue Valley. Thank you!
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five City – Liberty Park Intern
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 16, 2023 by Isaiah Abney in Life Change Story | 0

We were mountain biking in Ashland when one of the kids stopped in front of a complicated section of trail. He looked back at me with the “Oh crud, bro!!” look. I stopped behind him as he started to freak out a little about the difficult section of trail, and as he stammered on about how he thought he couldn’t do it. I got him calm and told him to “Ease the breaks, Bubba!” His eyes said, “Are you serious?” then he looked at the trail and made his way down. The young person’s life may not have changed drastically during this brief exchange, but he sure gained confidence on the mountain, and we built a little bit of trust.
71Five exists to share God’s story of hope, with young people, through trusting relationships, in any relevant way. Thanks for providing a little bit of trust that opened the door to change.
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five Intern
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB