Jun '23

Those Small Moments
Jun '23

We had club in Ashland last Monday night. Like most Monday nights, you never know what to expect. I pray for many kids to show up – ready to hear the Gospel. Last week, only a couple of kids showed up. You start to wonder if, and what you’re doing is worth it. But, it’s in those small moments when God often shows up. I had a lengthy conversation with one of the kids who often is hard to connect with, especially when a lot of kids are around. However, because of the small turnout that night, I was able to speak truth into a few young lives and also shared the gospel with them! Needless to say, God is at work even in the small moments.
Praise God for all that he is doing in Ashland. Please continue to pray for these young people who are so confused and led astray by this world.
JESSE BLAIR, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Ashland
(406) 540-2258 | jesse@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB