Sep '19

Bitter to Sweet
Sep '19

In anticipation of becoming the new 71Five VoTech Director, I did some traveling this summer to renew and acquire some certifications to pass on to our students. Before I left I ran into one of the young men who graduated from our program. He related to me how grateful he was for the training and is now employed at an automotive company here in the Valley. I was encouraged to hear his story and asked him, “So where are you living”? He said, with no remorse, “I’m living in my car”. Wow, really, I thought! When I asked why he said, “I’m saving money to move into my own place with a friend”. This young man is working hard but it’s tough!
It just so happens our new VoTech Center will have transitional housing for situations like this. But more importantly— beyond learning tech skills, students will also learn about life in Christ. This comes as they hear God’s message, moving them into a trust that leads to Hope in Jesus. This young man is trying hard and moving forward, with your continued involvement we’ll see his and many more lives move from bitter to sweet. Thank you! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
It just so happens our new VoTech Center will have transitional housing for situations like this. But more importantly— beyond learning tech skills, students will also learn about life in Christ. This comes as they hear God’s message, moving them into a trust that leads to Hope in Jesus. This young man is trying hard and moving forward, with your continued involvement we’ll see his and many more lives move from bitter to sweet. Thank you! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB