Jun '19

encouragement through trusting relationships
Jun '19

Stephen is not the quiet kid… For a fourth grader, his presence fills a room quickly. From his clunky foot steps to his voice that projects into every corner, you know immediately when he is around. Stephen lives with his emotional and developmental challenges. He has no connection with his biological father and earlier this year his step-dad passed away suddenly. Stephen is also a precious child of God. In our Elementary Club, he’s the first one to raise his hand when asked if anyone would like to pray. He’s the kid who talks to all the other kids, leaving no one out and making new kids feel welcome.
Stephen’s heart is open to hear about the love God has for him. His heart is eager for connection and encouragement through trusting relationships. He’s also on the list to receive a mentor but the program needs more mentors. Would you pray for Stephen? Pray for a godly man to serve as a mentor for him. Jesus told us to go and make disciples. Here’s a kid who’s ready… who will disciple this one? Contact me if you would like to know more about becoming a mentor at misty@71Five.org or (541) 779-3275. Your involvement brings trust that leads to hope. MISTY DUKE 71Five Mentors Director (541) 779.3275 misty@71Five.org