Aug '21

How could I not be happy?
Aug '21

At 71Five’s Middle School Camp, we had small group discussions in our cabin after Chapel. During one session, I shared a few pertinent details of my testimony. Sometimes you never quite know if kids are listening, but you just hope they are. Shortly after, I walked by Natalie and she shook her head saying, “I just can’t see it…I just can’t see it.” I laughed and curiously asked, what can’t you see? She said, “I just can’t see you like that…and now, now you’re just so…happy!” Her tone was that of confusion and happiness together. I laughed with her and said, “I know! Even though I didn’t really know God in my youth, He was protecting me and helped me find my way to Him where I found forgiveness, redemption, peace, and true happiness. So how could I not be happy?”
The next morning Natalie so sweetly asked if I would be the one to baptize her that day. I was excited for her and honored to be a part of her story! Sometimes when you think you’re not making a difference in a young person’s life, God has a way of showing you the truth and blessing you along the way. Thank you for making 71Five Camp happen. A place where kids can feel safe, relate with others, and find the Way, the Truth, and the Life… where they can find Jesus.
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB