Jul '20

how to repair a lawn mower…
Jul '20

Our staff here at 71Five VoTech love the Lord and want to use their craft and skills to further His Kingdom. Our staff here at 71Five VoTech love the Lord and want to use their craft and skills to further His Kingdom. One skill is small engine repair. Now, every once in a while I hear stories of what we call ‘Superhero Moments’ and this one made me laugh. Chad recently learned how to repair a lawn mower and was excited about his newfound skills. Soon after, his stepdad’s lawn mower wouldn’t start. So, he said to Chad, “Well, you learned how to fix lawn mowers at 71Five VoTech, right? Do you think you can fix this?” Chad said, “I sure can!” and he went to work. A few minutes later the mower roared to life and his dad exclaimed how proud and grateful he was for the skills Chad learned at 71Five VoTech. Later, during our bible discussion time, I asked if anyone had a question about a bible passage and Chad immediately opened up and asked some very deep questions about God creating man in His image. I saw this as a great place to start, and I was able to share not only about the passage, but the Gospel as well.
You have allowed 71Five VoTech to be a safe place for youth to not just learn skills but to learn about God’s Word as well. Thank you! If you want to join our team and share your craft, skills, and story please contact me at (541) 779-3275 or Larry@71Five.org. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Coordinator (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB