Mar '20

Light in the Darkness
Mar '20

The launch of our Phoenix/Talent Youth Center Club at 71Five Campus happened to fall on the exact same day that Oregon announced school closures due to COVID-19. During our time together at club, a student named Xander said, “I’m sad that school is canceled, I love school.” This time can be hard on kids. Hearing the concern around us, led to us sharing a message of hope for our first night of club. We shared that our God is sovereign, works out all things for good, knows and loves each of us, and promises to be with us through all things. I looked at Xander and told him that we are going to make the most of this time, that we will use this time off of school to gather together outdoors and have some fun. His face filled with a smile and before he left, he mentioned that he loved coming to 71Five Campus!
We always have the goal of bringing hope to young people. During this uncertain season, that mission is set even heavier on our hearts. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 15:13] If you would like to hear more about ways that you can get involved in bringing hope to these kids, contact me or check out our ministries at www.71Five.org. MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Area Director – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB