Apr '21

My Hope
Apr '21

“You’re the one I trust!” A young girl who comes to the 71Five Campus ‘club’ every week said these words to me privately as we were wrapping up one night. This young girl has been struggling mentally… emotionally… and spiritually for a year… or longer. She has chosen little by little to open up about her life and the things she’s going through. It’s clear she desires for someone to hear her and I desire to be the one who listens. We’ve bonded through fun times at club each week, listening, and showing her that I am here for her. We’ve developed a real, trusting relationship. My greatest hope is that the trust she’s placed in me will lead her to find real hope and an authentic trusting relationship with Jesus. Our hope at 71Five is that young people will discover and believe Christ’s great love and proclaim the words, “God, you’re the one I trust!”
Thank you for the work you do to provide opportunities to be here for the young people in our community.
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(541) 671-4128 | melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB