Dec '22

Pushing Forward
Dec '22

Last November, I took a group of kids to the national lave tubes to explore their longest cave system called the Catacombs. It’s easy to get lost with all the winding paths that branch off but after 10+ years of exploring it, I was able to help everyone feel confident. The further we went, the more cramped it became, to the point we had to crawl on our stomachs to progress. I tried to get the group to continue but only a teen named Mark and I were willing to explore further. We wriggled our way to amazing parts of the cave that the other kids wouldn’t get to see. Mark trusted me enough to push forward and what he got to see was something incredible!
This story reminds me of how we operate at 71Five where we lead kids to see the goodness of God, but it takes trust and sometimes a little effort to see Him. Thank you for leading kids to the goodness of God!
LEIF AMUNDSEN, 71Five Campus Interim Coordinator – Ashland
(541) 840-0059 | leif@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
71Five Staff Changes:
It seems like yesterday when the Lord called me to 71Five, although, it was almost 6 years ago! I was filled with excitement but a little afraid too. I didn’t want to fail, and I was leaving the known for the unknown. Saying “Yes” to God means leaving where we are and moving toward where He’s guiding us. I’m so glad I faced the fear of answering the call to come to 71Five. I trusted His word, “who He calls He will equip!” Hebrews 13:21 I had a front-row seat to His goodness, promises, and faithfulness.
What is the Lord calling you to do? Maybe you haven’t thought about it recently, but He is always at work around us and through us! Has he called you to partner with 71Five through your giving, prayers, or maybe even volunteering? If He has, I encouraged you to step out in faith and say “Yes.” You will not regret it!
I’m once again filled with excitement, a little fear, and even some sadness as I say “Yes” to the calling that God has for me next. 71Five partners with The Salvation Army to help youth who are homeless, hurting, and lost. The Lord has called me to go to The Salvation Army to continue the ministry for those who are in need. I feel so blessed that I have been able to journey with you in my time at 71Five. Thank you for your faithfulness, love, and kindness over the years.
SHARRE WHITSON, 71Five Development Director
(530) 227-2474 | sharre@71Five.org
Bud here, I wanted to add that we are grateful for all of Sharre’s hard work during her time at 71Five. The Lord has used her efforts to expand the ministry in amazing ways over the last 6 years. We are also excited for her in this next chapter with The Salvation Army. Please be praying for Sharre in her new venture and for 71Five as we seek our new 71Five Development Director. Thank you.
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
(541) 301-0897 | bud@71Five.org