Jun '19

VoTech has stepped in!
Jun '19

Hope… a single syllable that says a lot yet for too many kids it is a concept they can’t grasp. At Youth 71Five we regularly teach the critical truth of God’s love and grace found through Jesus Christ… What about the kid who has no skills or vision for a real living wage career? 71Five VoTech exists to impart the basic skills, vision, and hope young men and women need to transition into healthy adult life. This is the kind of guidance that should come from dad or mom but too many kids don’t have healthy parents, but VoTech has stepped in! In the last few months Mike and David have been learning to weld while Luke is learning to bend sheet metal, others are becoming carpenters and learning mechanics. I should mention Mike and David are in a residential treatment program and Luke is on probation but, not long ago, they were all locked up and couldn’t see a path to a hopeful future. This is 71Five VoTech and it is one more way lives are being changed with the hope of Jesus Christ lived out in daily life. If you have a skill to share we would really like to talk with you. Please call 779-3275 or email office@71Five.org and let’s connect. Youth 71Five… providing trust that leads to hope! MATT SWEENEY 71Five VoTech Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 matt@71Five.org
NewsWatch 12 KDRV.com Video: 71Five VoTech giving young adults a second chance1
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5ICB