Dec '22

A prayer for Tami
Dec '22

Tami is a mom of two, working her way towards independence. She’s been wanting her driver’s permit, but test and crowd anxiety has prevented her from going to the DMV. We went together and just after three hours; it was her turn. I told her, “It may feel awkward, but I would like to pray over you.” I prayed with her, and others around us joined in. I then told her that I was already proud of her for just being there. Tami passed the driver’s test and now she has her permit! As I brought her home, she said, “Thank you! I got this because you encouraged me, came with me, and prayed for me.”
I got to share with her that you are praying for and encouraging her, even if you haven’t met. Thank you for being a part of this celebration. Thank you for being a part of Tami’s life!
TERESA TONINI, 71Five Parents Coordinator
(541) 941-1143 | teresatonini@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB