Jan '24

A Real Hope
Jan '24

Toby is a young man who connected with our elementary club and is now in Middle School. He’s had many challenges in a short life including health challenges, a major surgery, parents who have struggled with addiction, and prison. He’s being raised by grandparents who are financially pressed. It seems that he lives between two worlds. There is a constant pull toward addiction and trauma with a downward spiral toward crime and gangs. Yet, he consistently comes to clubs and engages the message we offer, and even at times he’s been a leader and helps other kids. He went to 71Five Camp this summer and it was not without hassles, but he ended up loving it. Recently he started going to church with us, where we have seen tremendous spiritual growth!
While he faces (and will continue to face) many challenges, you have shined a light into this young man’s life… Not just his life but also to his two younger brothers who look up to him, and other young boys in the neighborhood and at school. God willing we will see generational and family changes for good, that’s the real and only hope in this world. Thank you for sharing His hope!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB