Jun '24
Far from God
Jun '24
I recently talked with a young man about God because of you and your generous giving! We were able to set aside time, place, and even meals so that we could gather as a group with some young people and talk about not just becoming a believer in God (theism) but a disciple of Jesus Christ (a follower and believer in Christ). This young man had been dealing with a lot of trauma and life’s difficulties and at first, was not sure if Christians would even like him. But he was open to the message of becoming a new person in Christ—he seemed far from God. Of course, we know no one is far from God now because of Christ (Eph.2:13). We could share this great news with this young person so that he could become born again and join the Church of God, because of people like you we can have these God-appointed conversations!
I am both thankful and excited to be part of God’s outreach to people with the hope of the Gospel, is there anything more important? Thank you so much for being a co-laborer in this work! (Rom. 16:3).
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – North Medford
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Feb '24
Real Questions & Real Answers
Feb '24
Middle School youth ministry is challenging! It feels like it takes a lot to build a relationship and create a space with the right amount of time where kids can ask genuine questions and hear real answers. The kids of our community have a lot of information on top of a lot of distractions thrown at them all the time. So in kicking off our Middle School talk and discussion time here at 71Five Campus – North Medford, we switched it up a little by having everyone sit on the floor in a circle. I’ve also requested all to put their phones away. We are striving to engage these kids where they are. This is where we have an unplugged conversation about the things that matters most in life… not the trivial distractions of our age! I was surprised and encouraged by how well these discussions have been going! It’s through the book of Mark, which packs in a lot, we read about the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ!
One of the young ladies, Julie, asked very pointed questions about Christianity and how it differs from other worldviews she’s been exposed to. The earnestness and seriousness of her questions opened up a whole discussion about the claims of Christianity! It’s an awesome thing to see our young people discussing and wrestling with the great truths of the Bible! You are making these outreaches possible to young people who are not normally found sitting in church on Sundays! Thank you so much for being involved with this great effort to reach the kids of our community and change eternal destinies!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – North Medford
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '24
A Real Hope
Jan '24
Toby is a young man who connected with our elementary club and is now in Middle School. He’s had many challenges in a short life including health challenges, a major surgery, parents who have struggled with addiction, and prison. He’s being raised by grandparents who are financially pressed. It seems that he lives between two worlds. There is a constant pull toward addiction and trauma with a downward spiral toward crime and gangs. Yet, he consistently comes to clubs and engages the message we offer, and even at times he’s been a leader and helps other kids. He went to 71Five Camp this summer and it was not without hassles, but he ended up loving it. Recently he started going to church with us, where we have seen tremendous spiritual growth!
While he faces (and will continue to face) many challenges, you have shined a light into this young man’s life… Not just his life but also to his two younger brothers who look up to him, and other young boys in the neighborhood and at school. God willing we will see generational and family changes for good, that’s the real and only hope in this world. Thank you for sharing His hope!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Oct '23
Seeing a difference!
Oct '23
Crystal is popular and outgoing but has struggled to fit in our group, being distracted or being the distraction. But, at 71Five Camp this summer she felt at home and quickly made friends with an outstanding group of girls who are very involved at their church! With this being the first camp she’d ever been to, it was a very pleasant surprise! In the words of one camp volunteer, “She was like a completely different person.” Seeing such positive changes in a young person’s life is a win to celebrate! When these kids seek out and join a positive Christian group of friends, it’s an awesome thing! The Bible says that a friend doesn’t just sharpen you [Proverbs 27:17] but followers of Christ will show the world Jesus’ love in the way they love each other [John 13:35].
You are helping Crystal and many others make such positive, life-changing choices. Thank you!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '23
Lessons Learned
Jul '23
For the last 6 months, our Elementary Club teacher Miss Colette has been consistently opening the world of the Bible to the kids through song, stories, and a bit of drama. She’s taken them through Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and the early church. Recently, she’s been asking the students questions to review what’s been covered so far. The responses are filled with so much information showing they’ve retained a lot from these lessons! Many of these kids have no church background with little to no knowledge of Christ. It’s such a blessing to be a part of the work of teaching kids the most important thing in the world – how to have a relationship with the God of the Bible, who is a father that loves them!
You make this little school about God and His love possible! We could never do this without you [Romans 10:14-15]! You are reaching the kids of our neighborhood with the vital first step of teaching the Word of Christ. Let’s also pray for these kids to have faith in what they are hearing and that their lives may be transformed forever [Romans 10:17]!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '23
A Stirring Question
Apr '23
Recently during a discussion at 71Five City’s Middle School Club, we asked a question: “What’s the one thing you would ask God if you had the chance?” It ranged from the usual wishes for cool toys, superpowers and material possessions. Then Jack raised his hand and said, “I would ask for my mother to come back!” (Jack’s mom passed away recently.) A lot of young people are wrestling with the deep questions of life, not just superficial ones, but questions with such aching pain.
You are providing the only answer that truly matters, that death and pain do not have the final say in this young man’s life. Every promise of God find a BIG Yes in Jesus! [2 Cor. 1:20] We have this extraordinary privilege together with you to build bridges of trust so hope can travel into every dark place of pain! Thank you for going with us into these places, which are incredible opportunities, to speak into these young people’s lives right where they are, in the pain and brokenness, with the only true hope of God!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '23
Jacob’s Public “Confession”
Jan '23
Jacob, who’s a cool, tough kid from the neighborhood, has been coming to our clubs at 71Five City for a while. He was attracted to a summer event we were doing and has been coming back ever since. I was surprised to hear him make a statement in our discussion saying, “I’m happy with what Jesus did, giving his body for me.” For Jacob to say this openly and without shame, was awesome! It makes me think of 2 Timothy 1:7-8, where Apostle Paul says how God does not give us a spirit of fear, so don’t be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. To make such a confession in front of other kids when you’re in middle school is very brave! He also said it in front of his little sister! What a cool thing for a sister to hear her older brother say.
Because of you standing next to us in prayer and giving, we are reaching the kids of our city! As 1 Corinthians 12:26-27 says, we are all part of one body. You are a vital part of the care kids like Jacob experience and I’d like you to share in every celebration!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Oct '22
A Little Grace Is Needed
Oct '22
Elementary boys at 71Five City like to play hard and sometimes their attitudes are an issue. When disputes happen during our games, every boy turns into both a referee and a lawyer! Josh is no exemption, but today was different. He really struggled with his temper. When a kid continues to be disruptive during club, I make it a point to talk with their parents. When Josh’s mom came to pick him up, based on both her appearance and the small talk we had, I quickly realized it wasn’t just Josh having a bad day. Quite possibly behind a kid having a difficult day there may be a tremendously challenging situation at home. I decided to give Josh a little grace and offered to pray for them during the week.
Many of the kids that arrive at 71Five are coming from families that are broken and dealing with cycles of poverty and addiction. As we walk with these kids, we get to extend grace to them like Jesus does to us. Thank you for extending light and grace into dark and hard situations!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '22
A Sudden Change . . .
Jul '22
Tim regularly attends clubs at 71Five City but he’s shown no interest in the teaching or discussions… until recently. All of a sudden he’s had an openness to the gospel! Each week we set aside time to talk about Jesus – the One who trades places with us, the One who gives us His perfect life in place of our sinful one. This is how we are truly transformed and given a brand new start in life! I noticed that he was not just asking questions and listening during our teaching time but I also saw changes in his behavior during clubs. It’s encouraging to see kids making real life decisions to believe in Jesus and follow Him. It’s absolutely awesome when you see these young people’s hearts change – it’s such joy to see! Tim ended up asking me to baptize him this past week!
Thank you for partnering with us as we are putting the seeds in these kid’s hearts. You never know when it will land on good soil! My wife’s whole family got saved when her grandpa asked Jesus into his heart as a young boy. He went to church by himself and ended up leading his parents and siblings to Christ. Great things can happen and entire families’ destinies can be changed when even one child’s heart is transformed by the gospel!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '22
All Circumstances
Apr '22
Recently I had a chance to talk to some young people at 71Five about the claims of Christ. The discussion was a no holds barred Q&A session lasting about an hour and half. The questions came primarily from an atheist point of view and it was incredible to hear what these kids are dealing with! Later, I connected with the same young people and was surprised when a young girl Sarah said frankly “Oh Shane, I believe in good and evil. I’ve seen some real evil before!” We had a great conversation where she told me about some of her experiences with darkness and the occult. I shared with her about how Jesus can set her free from all darkness regardless of past ties. Sarah said she wanted to follow this path and wanted to start reading her Bible!
It’s wonderful to share Christ with kids who have “intellectual“ questions as well as with kids who are looking to be set free from darkness and the occult. Thank you for bringing this great Hope into all circumstances and situations, no matter where our kids find themselves.
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB