Oct '23
Not What You Want… What You Need!
Oct '23
Recently, I’d been concerned about a student whose demeanor had drastically changed and was showing signs of suicidal thoughts. As his mentor, I knew I had to do something, and I had to move quickly. The only hang up was my own insecurities and negative thoughts about whether I was the one who’d be able to help. Then the Lord began to reveal to me the truth about who, and what, He’s called me to do, and be. Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. This is the exact affirmation I needed! The next time we met, I sat down beside him and reminded him of a conversation we had a couple months ago when he said God didn’t answer his prayers. I said, “I am the answer to your prayers. God doesn’t give us what we want, He gives us what we need. Sometimes that’s delivered in a nice wrapped up package together, but not always. God gave you me and I will do all I can to help, because I care.” In that moment, a glimpse of hope shown in his eyes and his burden lifted slightly.
These are the moments we at 71Five exist for; so we can share God’s story of hope through trusting relationships in any relevant way… because together, you and I, we care.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '23
Tatum’s GED Graduation
Jul '23
Tatum has been coming to 71Five City in Grants Pass for almost 2 years now. At the beginning of Spring, she told me she was going to be missing club for a few months. I was saddened by this, but, when she said that it was to study for her GED with a goal of graduating this summer, I was ecstatic! Tatum had been struggling for some time, as many kids have since Covid-19. She fell behind in her studies and had to attend school for an additional year after her senior year. Not only was she feeling hopeless, but she also felt defeated. The GED program gave her a new avenue to a positive outlook for her future.
By the beginning of Summer, Tatum had missed several clubs, but we stayed connected and she was able to attend many of our other activities. She helped with some volunteer work cleaning up trash at a local event and was a high school leader at our 71Five Middle School Camp. I was so delighted to receive an invitation to Tatum’s GED graduation and felt honored. As I looked upon those who attended, I was surrounded by her family members. That’s who we become when we build relationships that lead to hope in the lives of our youth. We become family… brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for doing your part in the 71Five Family by helping Tatum reach one of her dreams this summer.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '23
I’ll Teach Him A Lesson!
Apr '23
One night at club, Joe told me that he was no longer going to school. I asked him why and he told me he ended up too far behind in his studies during the Covid pandemic. I asked him what he was doing now, and he said, “Nothing.” He agreed to meet with me Monday morning to strategize and set up a plan to get back on track. Come Monday morning, no Joe. I texted, I called, I waited, but no Joe. A couple days later, I received a text from him. It read “Can you call me asap?” I didn’t reply. About an hour later, he called. I didn’t answer. My plan was to teach him a lesson by not answering his texts or calls and later at club, ask him how it felt. As I began to pray about it, the Lord gently whispered “That’s not the lesson I want you to teach him. I want you to teach him that when he lets you down, doesn’t answer your calls, and doesn’t show up, you will still always be there for him.” I returned his call and later that night, we had a great talk. He apologized for not showing up and rescheduled for the following Monday. I watched the clock anticipating Joe’s arrival, he came right on time. We talked about what he wanted to do in life, what motivates him, and what steps we could take to accomplish his goals. By the time the meeting ended, Joe had the opportunity to enroll in GED classes, one-to-one tutoring with a school counselor, and plans to start meeting with a musician that will teach him how to read music.
Building trust that leads to hope through relationship is what you are providing, being trustworthy people is who we are.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '23
“Is abortion a sin?”
Jan '23
It was an ordinary night at club when two boys walked through the door. With them, a girl I’d never seen before. I thought to myself, this girl is running with the wrong crowd. She and I engaged in small talk and shared a couple chuckles before she leaned in and whispered, “Can I talk to you privately for a minute?” “Sure,” I said as I stood up, walked around the corner, and found a quiet place to talk. No sooner than I sat down, she asked me “Is abortion a sin?” I didn’t respond right away due to the intensity of the question. She continued, “because I had one when I was 15 years old, and I don’t know if what I did was the wrong thing or not.” Pausing for a moment of thought, it prompted me to not answer but ask a series of questions. “Will my answer change how you feel about the decision you made? Will it alleviate the burden you carry?” Then I asked, “do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?” She replied, “No.” I responded, “Does it really matter if something is a sin or not if you don’t believe in God or have a relationship with Him?” Again, the reply was no. “Would you like to have a relationship with Him?” “Yes!” she exclaimed. We then prayed together as she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior right then and there. I explained to her that she can’t change the past, she can only make new decisions for her future with Jesus as her guide. I said, “His Word will let you know if something is right or wrong, He’ll encourage repentance, bless you with His grace, guide your path, and trade your pain for joy.”
But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.” For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:18-20) This girl was seeking a yes or no answer and had no idea that another existed. The answer we give to young people should always lead to Christ. When the significance of Christ matters, only then will the “yes and no” always lead us towards our Savior. At 71Five, we desire that young people leave with more hope than when they arrive by engaging in safe conversations and trusting relationships that point to a loving Savior.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Oct '22
The Eleventh Hour
Oct '22
I received a text from Trevor just before middle school camp. He’d stopped coming to club and wasn’t really plugged in to begin with. The text read, “I sort of got in some trouble and was wondering if you had any volunteer opportunities?” Within an instant, the Lord prompted my heart to invite him to be a leader in training at 71Five Camp. I hesitated to respond but after praying, I was confident in what the Lord encouraged me to do. When I responded, he anxiously replied “Ok, I’ll go.” My hesitations and worries were blown out of the water as I saw the Lord at work in his life. Many of the student’s most memorable moments were a direct result of Trevor’s leadership, compassion, character, and love. It was on the last day of camp he rededicated his life to Jesus and as it came time to part ways, Trevor was excited to get back into club, his church, and begin rearranging his priorities.
Unfortunately, when we returned, I didn’t hear from Trevor for over 2 months. I reached out to him several times with no response. When our 71Five VoTech training was to begin a new session, I reached out relentlessly with the same result. After training had already begun, the Lord was still urging me to pursue Trevor. He reminded me that He pursues us always, even when we don’t respond. In the 11th hour so to speak, Trevor reached out to me. He’s now enrolled in our program, living at 71Five VoTech housing, and doing extraordinarily well. I’m looking forward to writing about the next chapter of Trevor’s story as God continues to use 71Five to pursue relationships that lead to hope.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '22
Summer Camp Chaos
Jul '22
Sometimes club runs smoothly, sometimes it doesn’t. I started to notice that each week, there was a whirlwind of chaos that was ensuing. Wherever this chaos was, so was this particular student. After confronting this student several times with little to no change in her behavior, I knew I had to talk to her parents. I told her mom that with the way she is treating others and disrespecting leaders, we are going to have to take a break from club for a couple of weeks. With Middle School Summer Camp around the corner, her mom decided to not allow her to go as a disciplinary action. I prayed about it for a couple days and felt the Lord nudging me to revisit the conversation with the mom. I called her back to share with her that after praying about this student, I really felt that she needed to go to camp. 71Five Camp isn’t necessarily only for kids with good behavior, it is especially for those who struggle to make good decisions. I went on to explain that camp is a safe place surrounded with leaders who are ready to correct, encourage, motivate, and love on young people hurting. There are many relationships to navigate during camp so it’s the perfect environment to practice social skills.
Before I hung up the phone, the mom was already agreeing with what God had spoken to my heart. Not only did the student attend camp, she also appreciated the opportunity. I know this because she thanked me for believing in her and knowing that she has potential. I want to thank you for not only knowing that these youth have potential, but for giving them the opportunity to build trusting relationships that lead to hope.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '22
Apr '22
We meet new faces weekly at 71Five and first impressions aren’t always pleasant. Youth often come with preconceived notions of how this “club” works. There will be authority, rules, and the whole “God” thing. Along with the preconceptions, they’ve already decided they will be rejected and labeled as one of “those” kids. My first impression of Taylor as he entered the room reminded me of Taz from Looney Toons. Throughout the next hour, my initial observation was verified. After addressing him about several instances where boundaries were pushed, Taylor was beckoned to the “principle’s“ office. I confronted Taylor about the “chaos” that surrounded him and how I know there’s pain bottled up in there. He agreed his behavior was chaotic and was quick to respond with the habitual “sorry.” I told him I appreciated his apology however the next time I wanted it to come from his heart; I wanted to have a relationship with him, one where he cared for me as I have cared for him. I ended the conversation with “I can’t wait to get to know you better and I’m looking forward to you returning next week.” I sealed our meeting with a hug before he walked away mystified by the ‘irregular’ encounter.
At 71Five City, when a student is called to our “principle’s” office, they are shown the basic principles of God’s way as mentioned in Hebrews 5:12 (milk vs. meat). Thank you for bringing hope to kids in words and actions they can understand.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '22
Unspoken Appreciation
Jan '22
As I stood in the parking lot after club, I overheard one of the leaders mention he was going mudding with his truck. This talk about driving up to the top of a mountain, turned into a plan. We invited a couple of youth who were excited about going and they invited a couple of their friends as well. What began as a mudding adventure, now entailed a bon fire, roasting hot dogs, and making s’mores. As we headed up the mountain, none of us really knew what to expect until we arrived at the peak. As we overlooked the city of Grants Pass it was covered with a majestic blanket of fog; all of us were in awe of its beauty. The day turned to night as quickly as the bon fire engulfed into flames. We gathered around eating, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. Throughout the night, there was an unspoken appreciation we all felt about being there and being with one another. Before long, the fog cleared away and the city lights could be seen for miles! The full moon rose and not a single cloud covered the stars. God’s creation surrounded us and completely took our breath away.
Moments like these can be once in a lifetime. At 71Five, conversations turn into adventures that build relationships that lead to hope.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Oct '21
his name is Jeffrey
Oct '21
During the lesson, there’s always one kid who raises his hand. He doesn’t raise his hand because he has a question, he raises it because he wants to share his contradictions. His name is Jeffrey and he’s an agnostic. Jeffrey has been attending club and field trips for over a year now. Even though he doesn’t believe in God, he loves everything about 71Five and always participates in our activities. One day at club I pulled Jeffrey aside. I told him, “Instead of spending all of your time trying to disprove there’s a God, you should shift your focus to trying to prove that there is one.” He just shrugged his head to confirm he heard me. Several weeks later while sharing the lesson, sure enough his hand went up but I didn’t call on him. After I finished he came forward to talk to me. I said “I know, I know… You’re going to try to disprove there’s a God.” He responded, “No, I’m passed that.” I asked him, “Passed what?” He said, “I’m passed trying to disprove there’s a God. I believe there is one now. I actually took your advice and now I want to learn more.” I looked at him in disbelief, told him I was going to cry, gave him a big hug! I invited him to bible study, and he said yes.
As 71Five leaders encourage young people, hope is offered through a relationship with God that will make an eternal difference in that young person’s life. Thank you for making this possible!!
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five Campus – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '21
Dance Party!
Jul '21
We are going to have a dance party! For most kids, a dance party is something to get excited about but for Katie, not so much. She started to recluse, mope around, and became slightly insolent. I picked up on these behaviors and knew something was triggering anxiety within her. My heart became saddened, and I felt a deep sorrow for her.
Later that day, Katie and I had been sitting together when she blurted out “I don’t want to go to the dance, I hate dances!” I tried to encourage her and tell her all the reasons she should go and convince her of how much fun it would be. She continued to tell me she did not want to go. She said that the reason she hated dances is because her dad had taken her to a father daughter dance and left her there. She was devastated. She was re-living that devastation every time she heard the word “dance.” Our conversation concluded with me telling her she didn’t have to go to the dance, I understand, and I care.
The story doesn’t end there. To make it short, the night ended with her and I on the dance floor! We laughed, danced, jumped, screamed, ran around, and acted silly! The pain that Katie feels from what her father did cannot miraculously disappear but the pain that was associated with the word “dance” can. By providing a place where youth feel secure, delivering a message of real hope, and by being people kids can truly count on, we are seeing lives like Katie’s be transformed.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five Campus – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB