Oct '21

his name is Jeffrey
Oct '21

During the lesson, there’s always one kid who raises his hand. He doesn’t raise his hand because he has a question, he raises it because he wants to share his contradictions. His name is Jeffrey and he’s an agnostic. Jeffrey has been attending club and field trips for over a year now. Even though he doesn’t believe in God, he loves everything about 71Five and always participates in our activities. One day at club I pulled Jeffrey aside. I told him, “Instead of spending all of your time trying to disprove there’s a God, you should shift your focus to trying to prove that there is one.” He just shrugged his head to confirm he heard me. Several weeks later while sharing the lesson, sure enough his hand went up but I didn’t call on him. After I finished he came forward to talk to me. I said “I know, I know… You’re going to try to disprove there’s a God.” He responded, “No, I’m passed that.” I asked him, “Passed what?” He said, “I’m passed trying to disprove there’s a God. I believe there is one now. I actually took your advice and now I want to learn more.” I looked at him in disbelief, told him I was going to cry, gave him a big hug! I invited him to bible study, and he said yes.
As 71Five leaders encourage young people, hope is offered through a relationship with God that will make an eternal difference in that young person’s life. Thank you for making this possible!!
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five Campus – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB