Feb '20

never alone
Feb '20

We recently took a group of High School students to Sunriver. This year’s trip seemed to impact all who attended. With tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat, Connor shared, “I have always been afraid of being alone. But, thanks to 71Five, I know now… I will never be alone!” Connor went on to share that because of the loving relationships he’s found at 71Five, he gave his life to Jesus. Connor knows God will always be with him in good times and bad. This knowledge has brought him hope. Connor also shared how grateful he is for all of his friends at 71Five… Friends that love well because they love Jesus!
Thanks to your partnership, young people like Connor have hope. Hope that can only come from Jesus through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for bringing trust that leads to hope. ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 robert@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Nov '19

someone to lean on
Nov '19

Sometimes life is hard… When you’re at your lowest, you need someone you can lean on. It was a Tuesday morning when I got a text from Trevor, “My mom is dead!” (His mom died suddenly from a blood clot.) Trevor is a senior in high school who’s been coming to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point religiously for the last six years. He’s struggling with his faith in Jesus right now but thanks to 71Five Campus, Trevor has not had to go through this time alone. Adults who care for Trevor listen and pray when the pain comes to the surface.
When you partner with 71Five, you bring the hope of Jesus to young people who desperately need him. Thank you for helping Trevor go through the hardest time of his life. ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 robert@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '19

all you can eat!
Aug '19

Camp is an amazing opportunity to love on the kids God has connected us with throughout the year. One important part of 71Five Camp is to give the young people who show up our very best. We want to love them the same way Jesus loves us! So… we feed them amazingly good food (Thanks to Rosie our cook and her team of helpers). Some of the kids eat better at camp than they ever have! We always do a steak night where the favorites are ribeye and tri-tip and if you can believe it— it’s all you can eat! In fact, this year I had three different kids come up to me during camp telling me “I’ve never eaten this good in my life” and they meant it!
By putting our love for these kids into action, they believe us when we tell them Jesus loves them and has proven it through His actions… dying on the Cross for our sins. 37 out of 59 Middle School kids who came to Camp gave their lives to Jesus this summer. It all started with some really great food followed up by the best News you’ll ever hear. Thank you for providing trust that leads to hope! ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 robert@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '19

Dependable Caring Adult
May '19

You can make a profound difference in the life of a young person by just being dependable. I’m heartbroken at the number of young people we work with who don’t have a single dependable caring adult who loves God, in their life. I was recently reminded of the profound difference one dependable volunteer can make in the life of a young person. Justin started coming to the Eagle Point 71Five Campus Center when he was in fourth grade. One of our volunteers Trevor VanHee has volunteered with us for about five years and in that time has made a profound difference in Justin’s life. Trevor not only built a relationship with Justin by helping at the Center but he also spent the time to be Justin’s counselor at middle school camp. It was at this camp Justin gave his life to Jesus. I’m convinced it was because Trevor had spent years proving himself to be a dependable caring adult and showed Justin the hope found in Jesus.
You too can make a profound difference in the life of a young person. Contact us if you’d like to volunteer at the Youth Center or at Camp… And pray for changed lives during our Middle School Camp in just a few short weeks. Your involvement brings trust that leads to hope for kids like Justin. ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 robert@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Mar '19

Friday Night Club
Mar '19

Youth 71Five Ministries provides a safe place for kids in our community. A six grade boy came up to me the other day during our Friday Club Night and asked me if he could please stay. “No one is at my house and my mom won’t be home until the bar closes.” He was not supposed to come that week because he had gotten in trouble the week before… We worked out an alternate form of restitution and he was able to hang out with us for the evening. The same young man told me just a few weeks before, “I wish I was Jesus, so I could help my family.”
It’s true, only Jesus can bring real help to his family. Thank you!! You provide a safe place where this young man can hear about the hope that’s only found in Jesus. ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director – Eagle Point robert@71Five.org
Jan '19

Reconnecting with Jordin
Jan '19

I hadn’t seen Jordin in about a year, but there he was at the Youth Center and he needed to talk. We went into my office and asked, “Would it be okay if I did my community service here?” Jordin just finished 20 hours of community service by helping out every week at the Eagle Point Youth Center. In that time, he has re-connected to the ministry and been reintroduced to the message of hope through Jesus Christ! He’s excited to return next week, even though his community service has been completed.
God often uses our mistakes to bring us back to himself. He used Jordin‘s mistakes to bring him back to Youth 71Five Ministries (formally Rogue Valley YFC) and an opportunity for hope. Because you partner with 71Five through your finances, your time, and your prayers; prodigals like Jordin have a safe place to return! Thank you for making a difference. ROBERT MILTON, 71Five Campus Area Director robert@71Five.org