Jan '19

Reconnecting with Jordin
Jan '19

I hadn’t seen Jordin in about a year, but there he was at the Youth Center and he needed to talk. We went into my office and asked, “Would it be okay if I did my community service here?” Jordin just finished 20 hours of community service by helping out every week at the Eagle Point Youth Center. In that time, he has re-connected to the ministry and been reintroduced to the message of hope through Jesus Christ! He’s excited to return next week, even though his community service has been completed.
God often uses our mistakes to bring us back to himself. He used Jordin‘s mistakes to bring him back to Youth 71Five Ministries (formally Rogue Valley YFC) and an opportunity for hope. Because you partner with 71Five through your finances, your time, and your prayers; prodigals like Jordin have a safe place to return! Thank you for making a difference. ROBERT MILTON, 71Five Campus Area Director robert@71Five.org