Nov '23

Following Wrong Voices
Nov '23

Andy’s past would probably make most people cry. In the last year, Andy’s life took another turn for the worse when he started using meth and couch surfing. He’s 18 now and hearing voices telling him to do things. I wish I was able to tell you Andy has taken a 180, has his life cleaned up, and is following Jesus but he isn’t there yet. He’s currently following the wrong voices in his head. It breaks my heart seeing him this way. All I can do is love on him like Jesus loves on me. Not every kid we have in our care turns to Jesus, but I am thankful for all of you who are giving young people the “opportunity” to turn to Jesus. Andy knows he can count on me. Someday, maybe he’ll be back. For now, it hurts as I watch and pray.
Thank you for continuing to care, even when we don’t always get to see the results we hope for. Thankfully, many others have had their lives changed 180 degrees. If you’d like to know more about how you can personally give young people like Andy the opportunity to know Jesus, give us a call or check out our 71Five.org website.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '23

Jesse was hit with another blow. . .
Aug '23

Jesse was a middle school student when I first met him. He started with 71Five back in the fifth grade at our Eagle Point center and recently graduated high school. Jesse’s life always seemed challenging with his dad leaving and years of living in a cheap motel with his mom and 3 brothers. Jesse and his family moved to Medford a few years ago and dropped off the radar. Then this past winter he showed back up at 71Five Campus in North Medford. He was attending both High School and College and Career clubs when Jesse was hit with another blow… his mom died suddenly. Jesse is grappling with his future as his oldest and younger brother face mental challenges and Jesse’s second oldest sibling is doing his best to provide for them all.
During the recent 71Five High School Camp, I encouraged Jesse to think of questions hindering his trust in God. Jesse privately wrote down two questions: “How can I possibly forgive my dad?” and “Why does God let me suffer so much?” Remarkably, without sharing those questions, Jesse’s small group discussed “Forgiving the unforgivable,” closely followed by the main speaker addressing why God allows suffering. These answers seemed tailor-made from God, leaving Jesse in awe. Shy Jesse then found courage to share with the entire camp on the last night, his story of how God spoke to him.
Lots of other kids are finding answers to tough questions through the ministries of 71Five. If you’d like to go deeper in sharing hope with young people, we need financial partners, volunteers, staff, interns, and prayer warriors. Give us a call. In the words of the One who gives me hope, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Thank you for building trust that leads to hope.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '23

She saw no hope.
May '23

I am not a big pessimist… but some days I feel like there’s an inevitable doom approaching us! Fortunately, Romans 15:4 reminds us that through the encouragement of God’s Word we have hope. One girl, when she first came to 71Five Campus in North Medford, was feeling hopeless. She’d been expelled, was committing self-harm, and was contemplating suicide. She saw no hope. Things changed when she came to 71Five Camp. She made good friends, found adults who cared for her, and started hearing the truth of God’s Word… that there is a God in heaven who loves her relentlessly. Our teens today face challenges I couldn’t have dreamed of as a young person. But there really is hope. We have the promise that no matter what we go through, God loves us and offers us eternal life with him. Don’t you wish all young people knew that? What a difference it would make in our world.
That’s why 71Five exists… “We exist to share God’s story of hope with young people, through trusting relationships, in any relevant way.” Would you like to be a part of that mission? Give us a call. We’d love to share ways you can bring young people hope.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Feb '23

Messed Up
Feb '23

The high school teen came up to me with a look of shame as he approached. He was obviously nervous as he admitted to me that he had a problem with pornography. I listened to what he had to say rather than condemning him for his actions and told him thank you for trusting me. He hugged me fiercely. I asked him how I can help and he told me a way I could help him to stay accountable. A few months later, he approached me again, telling me he had messed up. We again hugged and I again told him how brave it was for him to tell me. We came up with a better plan for how to help him resist his addiction. That teenage boy found someone who he could trust, even with his weaknesses. He found someone he learned wouldn’t condemn him when he unloaded his faults and sin, but rather gave him hugs and helped him through it. Hopefully, this reminds him of what Jesus does for us.
At 71Five, we want to be like Jesus to these young people. We want to give them hope and help them through their struggles. Youth 71Five Ministries exists to share God’s story of hope with young people, though trusting relationships in any relevant way. We have a huge team of staff, volunteers, prayer warriors, and financial supports who all give hope to young people. Would you like to get more involved offering hope to young people?
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Dec '22

Reaching young people… Wherever we go.
Dec '22

I recently traveled to Israel. It was an incredible experience. As I was at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, amidst all the religiousness and chaos, out of the crowd, a young college age man yells out to me and my sisters, “Hey, are you guys Trump supporters?” The question seemed so out of place from everything that was going on around me and the many languages, mostly Hebrew, that I was hearing. I turned to the young man and talked with him. I learned he was a Jew, from New York, living in Jerusalem, doing religious studies under one of the top Rabbis. As we talked, it became obvious he was searching for meaning in his life and felt being more religious would help. In Israel, there was so much religiousness. Only 50 yards away from where we were having this conversation, men were chanting, wailing, praying, bowing, using boxes on their heads, using plants, using things around their arms, and all to a wall. I asked this young man. “What do you believe about Jesus?” He seemed oblivious about Jesus. It was probably the coolest setting you can imagine telling someone about Jesus. At one point, I was like “…and just down the road, there’s the empty tomb you can go see.” Jesus gives young people hope, that is far more than just praying to a wall. Jesus changes lives.
When you give to 71Five, you are doing more than just supporting a great organization. You’re supporting the ministry of passionate people who share Jesus, with young people, wherever they go. Thanks for sharing the hope of Jesus… even with a young man in Jerusalem.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '22

Big Guy in the Sky!
Aug '22

“I don’t want anything to do with some big guy in the sky.” That was the statement of Mark, one of the high school guys from 71Five Campus – North Medford on the first day of high school summer camp. Mark made it clear he didn’t believe in God or want anything to do with Him. Mark was at camp because he thought it would be fun and his friend invited him to go. In fact, 3 out of the 5 boys in my group considered themselves atheists. On day 3 of our camp though, I had a talk with each of those boys. When I talked with Mark, I asked him why he doesn’t believe in God. Mark told me about the trauma he endured through abusive situations in multiple foster homes. At one point in the past Mark had prayed that God would get him out of his situation and make his dad less angry. “God didn’t answer my prayer, so I figured I was on my own. So why should I believe in him?” Mark’s pain was genuine but by day three of camp, Mark came to know Jesus and accepted Him as his Savior. The people of Israel prayed for the Messiah to rescue them from Rome, but Jesus had a much better plan. Jesus didn’t rescue Israel from the oppression of the Romans, but used it for His glory. God didn’t rescue Mark from his abusive situation, but used it to get Mark right where he needed to be. On day 3 of camp, Mark came to know Jesus personally. On day 4, Mark was baptized.
Thanks for giving scholarships to kids like Mark to go to 71Five Camp and for reaching young people with hope. If you’d like to get more involved, give us a call at Youth 71Five Ministries: (541) 779-3275.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '22

You’re Changing The World!
May '22

I’ve had the privilege of serving Jesus through youth ministry in 5 different countries. I’ve seen so much need in this world, but I’m amazed by how much need is right here in our own back yard. That’s why I’m so committed to the mission of Youth 71Five Ministries. 71Five is reaching kids in our own community. You don’t have to go across the ocean to find kids who are confused, hopeless, abused, and neglected. You see them all around us right here in the Rogue Valley. 71Five reaches out to these kids through trusting relationships. It’s sometimes a long road breaking down the walls they’ve built up due to a lifetime of broken promises and abuse. Jesus is the answer and He’s great at breaking down all those walls. Jesus gives hope and transforms lives, giving youth a new identity that never changes. I am honored to be a part of Youth 71Five Ministries and the hope that it brings kids and the global impact it has because of the changed lives of this future generation.
You are changing the world! Interested in going deeper? You can start right here at home by getting involved with Youth 71Five Ministries. Give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or check out our website at 71Five.org. There are kids who need hope today!
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Feb '22

small strides
Feb '22

A few weeks ago I asked Kevin who’s an outspoken atheist, why he didn’t even want to consider there might be a god. He soon opened up and told me he’d prayed to God once and God didn’t answer him. I asked him what he prayed about and he didn’t want to answer at first. After some further reflection, he decided I was safe and shared that he’d prayed for a certain girl to be his girlfriend but the girl ended up not liking him. It opened the conversation to the possibility that God sees a bigger picture than Kevin, and a “No” in this instance, might have been a good thing. Kevin still doesn’t believe in God, but we took a step in the right direction thanks to him trusting that I was a safe person.
We see small strides like this all the time with the kids at Youth 71Five Ministries. It may not feel like life transforming moments, but over time, these kids keep taking baby step after baby step closer to Jesus. This happens through trusting relationships with caring volunteers and staff who constantly tell about God’s love for them. Over the course of time, we see kids come to know Jesus. Often, it’s at events like summer camps where kids first profess their faith in Jesus, but it’s the simple conversations and the trust built with leaders that gets kids to camp. Want to make a difference in kids lives by being a trusted adult who points kids to Jesus? There are many ways to get involved. Please, call us at (541) 779-3275 or visit www.71Five.org and make an eternal difference in kid’s lives.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Nov '21

a real opportunity
Nov '21

Why did God create me so ugly?” That was one of the questions written by students after a recent middle school club at the 71Five Campus North Medford Youth Center. Another note asked, “What’s the point in life?” Still, another note asked, “Why is God making my life so hard and having me have so much anxiety and crying so much? It’s making it hard for me to go to school or even do anything.” Some of these notes really broke my heart as I read them. These reveal glimpses of what young people are really thinking and going through. We are always seeing glimpses like these at 71Five. During summer camps, we hear kids pour out the burdens and pains in the safe glow of a big campfire. On day trips, we do activities together with the kids and have long conversations during the van ride where kids often open-up about their lives. At club, we see kids week after week and notice when they aren’t doing well. Through trusting relationships we meet kids right where they are and start getting deeper and deeper with them over time. The hurts come to the surface, and we have a real opportunity to minister to kids and share the love of Jesus. A lot of our kids wouldn’t step foot inside a church. But they will go to a Youth Center. So, we have Youth Centers where we can share Jesus with those kids and answer their hard questions.
Are you willing to join us? Are you interested in being part of a team of people that have a passion for sharing the Gospel with young people who desperately need Him? Call us at (541) 779-3275 or visit 71Five.org because we would love to get you involved in the life of a young person who is in need today.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Sep '21

“I’m an Atheist”
Sep '21

“Hi, I’m Joe and I’m an atheist.” That’s how one of my students started his “testimony” of how God had worked in his heart at 71Five Camp. There were a lot of impactful testimonies shared that night. We heard time after time of tragedies that God turned into a redemptive story. But Joe’s story was different. He started with being clear he’s still an atheist. Joe went on to share how, despite his being an atheist, he sees how much love he gets at 71Five from “you Christians and your God”. Despite the fact that Joe doesn’t believe in God, he sees a difference in us. He knows we love him unconditionally, even though we don’t agree with him. Wouldn’t it be nice if the rest of society worked like that? Joe found safety and love at Youth 71Five Ministries, like a lot of kids do. Joe hasn’t found Jesus yet, but he’s honest with us about where he is spiritually.
Thank you so much for helping kids like Joe see there is a difference in the love that God gives vs. the rest of the world. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to be Jesus to kids in need. We can’t do what we do without faithful volunteers, financial donors, and prayer warriors. If you would like to do more to change the lives of young people, I’d love to talk with you.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Ministry Director
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB