Everything I “knew” was wrong.

Have you ever been lost; I mean completely lost where you have no idea where you are? Years ago, I got lost in the mountains of Wyoming. I was hiking and looking for elk antlers and I got turned around and started following a creek I thought went back to the ranch. After a while, I realized this was not the right creek at all. Because I was so sure of where I was, I hadn’t paid attention and literally had no idea where I’d gone wrong or which direction to go. Everything I “knew” was wrong. I tried to walk out in a couple of different directions, but I just ended up more confused. I began to feel hopeless because all my efforts were just making things worse.
I’ve come to realize those feelings of confusion and hopelessness are what many kids in our community face every day. They’re so lost and confused, everything they “know” doesn’t work and just brings more confusion and harmful decisions. No one is there to show them the way.
This is where Youth 71Five steps in and provides trusting relationships that change everything. Kids connect with an adult who shows them how life works and points them to the hope in Jesus they desperately need. Come join us as we reach out to the many lost kids of our Valley. Because you can provide trust that leads to hope! Give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or visit our website 71Five.org – BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director  (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
