Imagine you couldn’t read or write at 21 . . .

Can you imagine being 21 years old trying to figure out the adult world and not able to read or write? We are working with a young man in this situation right now. He has a learning disability but he’s smart. Another young man has genius-level intelligence but is trapped in severe Attention Deficit Disorder. These guys have no opportunity to take care of themselves and be successful outside of crime. They’ve been able to slip through the system but there’s no longer a positive path forward. This is where 71Five is built to step in. These young men and others are being taught by trusted staff and volunteers at a pace or in a method they can handle. When they first come, they call themselves stupid or worthless but in time we see them learn, we see their confidence grow, and we see smiles and pride in their eyes.
Make no mistake, we know the greatest good we can do is to introduce struggling kids to the hope found in Jesus, but there’s so much more ‘good’ that happens in the lives of kids who connect with 71Five. Thank you! You provide the good… and the greatest good!!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
541.301.0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


What chance does this young man have?

“Pray for me and my Dad he got sent to prison for 3 to 4 years and for my Mom it will be about 2 years.” This was a prayer request from a 15-year-old boy sitting in juvenile detention. What chance does this young man have to stay out of prison? What he’s been taught has already led him to crime and jail. There’s not much hope for him to learn a different way.
Thankfully you’ve provided the answers. You sent caring adults into the jail to find this young man. You provided people who care about his future. You provided a true story that lets him know there’s more to life. That he is loved. There is a door to forgiveness. He can love other people and get help to change the way he lives. But most of all you have brought healing and hope that lasts forever!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
541.301.0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Recognizing Immeasurable Worth

One of our staff shared about one young woman in detention who faced unimaginable pain and suffering growing up and reached a point where she felt lost and disconnected from God. In that time of darkness, she attempted suicide several times and even died but was revived.
During a recent conversation, our staff shared about forgiveness, peace, and hope. After the conversation she jotted a note for prayer— “I know that I am a very lost person, sure I know the Bible, but I do not know if I truly have a relationship with God. The other day I felt him speak to me and I truly want to grow that relationship.” She still carries a heavy burden from past trauma and abuse, but you’ve provided a caring adult, a listening ear, and a message of hope. Please pray this young woman would come to recognize her immeasurable worth and discover her unique purpose in a growing relationship with Christ.
You’re making a huge impact, and this girl now carries a glimmer of hope. You made that possible by bringing light into the darkest situation. Thank you!!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
541.301.0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Choosing to live in the ‘fake life’. . . .

Do you know who Milla Sofia is? Milla is a completely artificial Virtual Influencer. “She” is projected as a beautiful woman from Finland living the perfect life, doing amazing things… but none of it’s real. “She” has made the news recently because people are interacting with her as a real person, asking her on dates, asking for advice, and following her on social media. What’s frightening isn’t Milla deceiving people, (Her producers are very clear that the perfect person living the perfect life is fantasy) it’s that young people know it’s fantasy but are choosing to live in the ‘fake life.’ Young people being addicted to fantasy which is much more appealing than reality. It’s clearly a trap and the results are devastating. Mental health issues, depression, and suicide are destroying young people at staggering rates because they are enticed by happiness in the ‘fake life’ but they can’t actually attain it. When the digital dream is better than real life, life becomes an unbearable burden.
Thank you for providing trustworthy, competent, and caring adults to each young person. A real person to get them out of the digital fantasy and experiencing actual life. Kids know real life is hard, it hurts, and often there’s good reason to try and escape it. But you can’t escape it for long. This is when a trusted friend who’s lived and learned that a bit of well-focused faith, perseverance and work can bring love, joy, and peace with God. The true best life.
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
541.301.0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Dealing with behavioral issues

I heard recently about a couple young men in our 71Five VoTech training program who are dealing with behavioral issues. They struggle to focus, follow instructions, and they create chaos everywhere they go. Their fathers attend the program with them because of their lack of control. It’s clear in our efforts to teach trade skills to these young men is taking its toll on everyone. The dads are worn out, our staff are worn out and they’re all wondering if anything worthwhile is being accomplished… but the boys are still coming, and the story isn’t over.
As we prayed for these boys at staff meeting, I realized… if not us, then who? These young men don’t fit in school. 71Five VoTech is really their only option to learn skills to become productive men. The incredibly patient staff and volunteer staff are the best chance these boys have. It’s in this patience and determination where our mission truly comes alive, where the real work is, where sacrifices for young people are made. But this is also where hard earned trust leads to hope.
Thank you for providing hard earned trust. It brings real hope.
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Making a Lasting Impact

At staff meeting each week the staff share where they’ve seen God at work. We call these “Jesus Sightings”. Each week we hear about how God is changing the hearts of young people. Some are just learning to trust a caring adult, which is a huge step. Others are realizing the love of Jesus is true and there’s hope in this crazy world. Still others are experiencing unconditional love even though they strongly disagree with us about the existence of God. All of it is Jesus at work.
Your gift is an investment in the lives of young people. It truly follows Matthew 6:20 where your treasures are “stored in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” You’re making a lasting impact beyond what we can see or measure.
Thank you for generously investing in young people!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB



Today I was sharing with a guy about the three building projects 71Five has in progress. I was giving him some details on the new 71Five VoTech Training Center, our 71Five Campus Youth Center remodel in Shady Cove, and the work being planned for the 71Five City Community Center in Grants Pass. The gentleman I was talking to said, “Wow, you guys are everywhere!” For once in my life, I had the perfect response, I said, “There are struggling kids everywhere!” To which he responded, “There is no doubt about that… thank you for what you’re doing.”
It is so true. Kids who struggle with ‘relational poverty’ and the hopelessness that comes from it are all over the place. They can’t travel much, so our goal is to bring trusting relationships and hope into easy reach within their own neighborhoods. Through you, God has blessed the effort.
That ‘thank you’ really goes to you! You are giving the resources needed to reach lonely, hurting and lost young people all across the Rogue Valley!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


No place to go

We’re all experiencing the early morning bustle of kids going to school in our neighborhoods but after school many of these kids have no place to go. Because of you, hundreds of kids have a safe place to hear about the hope found in Jesus. Thank you for providing for Ryan who’s had a rough childhood filled with loneliness. By visiting some of the rougher parts of the neighborhood, 71Five staff were able to connect with Ryan and invite him to Club. Since then, he’s made friends, built trust in our leaders, and has even gone to church! You opened the doors of hope for Ryan and have changed his life.
I personally want to invite you to take a tour of 71Five to see firsthand your donation at work and give us a chance to thank you in person! Please email to schedule a tour and see how you are bringing hope to kids.
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Transformed By The Fire

As I’ve worked with kids over the years, I’m often stunned by the amount of pain I see in their lives. I’ve noticed young teens are fairly quick to share their struggles and hurts. I’ve also noticed they often feel like they’re shouting into the wind, and nothing happens. This is when they choose to shut their mouths and things go dark and silent. They get cynical and feel nothing matters anymore because no one cares.
A couple weeks ago I went to our Middle School Camp and attended the campfire where kids shared their stories. Yet again I was shocked by how hurt many of the young people are. They were sharing struggles and hurts hoping for someone to care. I was blessed to see the kids weren’t shouting into the wind. Staff and other young people were coming to stand with them, listening, encouraging, and letting them know they’re loved. The kids also heard the message that God loves them and proved it by sending Jesus. During that campfire I saw in real time, lives were being transformed.
You provide the answer kids need when it feels like they’re shouting into the wind. They discover there is trust that leads to hope, indestructible and eternal. Thank you!!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Thank You So Much

Not long ago I received this note after following up on a voicemail we received at the office from a woman who felt compelled to reach out and share her story. 
“Back in 1984 I ran away from home. I ended up pregnant and found myself in the detention center in Medford. A group came to talk to us there and I spoke to a woman about my problems. She told me to give it all to the Lord; to let him know that my problems were too big for me. She said to pray with all my heart. I went back to my cell and did just what she said. As I was praying, it was like a bucket of warm water slowly pouring over my head. I didn’t know how much hate and bitterness was in me until it was being washed away from head to toe. That experience changed the direction of my life… Looking back now it scares me to think of where my life was headed. Many times, I think back to that day, it gives me great comfort knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God is with me. God has always been a part of my life ever since then, but recently he’s answered my prayers again in an undeniable way and I’ve had an overwhelming desire to find the group and let them know they changed my life.
Thank you so much. May God continue to work through each and every one of you.”
It’s amazing to see the hand of God, transforming lives through a person, building trust, and sharing the love of God. Thank you for continuing that work!!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
