Apr '24

How come you didn’t get mad and start cussing?
Apr '24

Every month, all the city and campus groups come together for something fun. Last month, we organized a paint-balling outing. As we were all set to leave the Grants Pass city building, in our trusty 12-passenger van, we hit a snag—a big one. Our gas line had been cut, and the gas? Completely siphoned out. There we were, ready for an adventure, yet momentarily stranded. During this challenging situation, one of the youth asked me, “How come you didn’t get mad and start cussing?” I explained, “Throwing a fit wouldn’t move us an inch closer to our destination!” It was a test of resilience, a lesson in overcoming obstacles without losing our cool. Despite feeling a storm of emotions inside, especially considering the low blow of stealing from a van meant to carry kids, many of whom come from challenging backgrounds, the situation called for calm leadership. And this, my friends, is where the testing of our faith shines the brightest.
Fortunately, we have a Father in heaven who loves his children and has given us his Holy Spirit. In times of trials and testing, we can rely on His strength to demonstrate positive role modeling to the kids we serve. At 71Five, where I pour my heart into making a difference, we strive to be that beacon of hope, love, and unwavering support for these young people. This incident, rather than breaking us, reinforced the values we stand for. Thank you for providing the the hope found in Jesus to the youth at 71Five who are facing difficult challenges and obstacles in this life.
CHRIS WILLIS, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 941-3488 | chris@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB