Mar '20

How do you read your Bible?
Mar '20

It was only Ari’s second time in the North Medford Youth Center. Our new College & Careers group that she came for had only been running for about 1 or 2 months. She came because my wife, who she trusted, invited her. We taught her and the few others how to play a fun new board game. After the game, as is our tradition, I gathered everyone into the living room of the youth center where we did our “talk”. We pass out Bibles and show them how to get to the passage we are covering that night… Matthew 4, the temptation of Jesus. Using a Bible was new to her. I showed how Jesus used scriptures as he was tempted. Afterward, Ari wanted to talk more. She started asking my wife about how to read the Bible. She saw its importance and wanted to try to understand it but was overwhelmed by how big it was. My wife called me over and soon the two of us were showing her how to get started reading her Bible which led to us sharing what the Bible was all about. Eventually, I asked her if she knew how to go to heaven. She didn’t but really wanted to know. Ari accepted Jesus as her personal Savior that night at 71Five Campus! There were lots of hugs and Ari had an enormous smile on her face as she realized that her sins were forgiven and that she now was part of the family of God. What started as a trusted relationship with my wife led Ari to a relationship with Jesus.
Thank you for making these relationships possible and being a part of the team of people that reaches young people that need the hope found in Jesus. TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford (541) 779-3275 tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb