Mar '24

“I apologize…”
Mar '24

Connor encountered a pivotal moment at 71Five City in West Medford. Despite facing challenges as a student, he was gently encouraged to take some time to reflect on his actions. This was a major growth moment for Connor through this difficult time with patience and understanding. “I apologize…” Surprisingly, he expressed a sincere desire to apologize. This moment held profound significance, where positive reinforcement is one of the many things students lack coming in the door. It represented more than just an apology—it symbolized personal growth and the profound influence of caring adults.
Join us as we celebrate Connor. This action signified a turning point in his spiritual growth, demonstrating his readiness to take responsibility and strive for improvement. It is because of your generosity as 71Five’s financial partners, staff and volunteers, that we see a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of guidance and support in young lives.
TROY ELLIS, 71Five City Coordinator – West Medford
541.538.0207 | troy@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB