Jan '25

Overwhelmed by the Experience!
Jan '25

I know the New Year is in full swing, but I want to share one last story from 2024 that deeply impacted me. This past Christmas, I hosted a party for young men at the OYA youth correctional facility in Grants Pass. Thanks to an overwhelming response to a social media ask, we gathered far more gifts than expected. Our 71Five City Club students helped wrap about 60 presents, and as they worked, their comments struck me: “I couldn’t imagine not being with my family for Christmas!” and “Unwrapping gifts is my favorite thing.” It opened their eyes to those who miss out on traditions they take for granted. That night, my wife and I brought food, gifts, and a plan for a meaningful celebration. We shared a meal, played trivia, and delivered a message of hope in Jesus. When it was time to open presents, I told the young men how the community—people who didn’t even know them—had come together to show they cared. The shock on their faces was unforgettable. One young man said, “I haven’t had a Christmas like this in three years.” As we left, they kept thanking us, and when my wife and I got to the car, she broke down in tears, overwhelmed by the experience. It showed me how much of a difference we can make when we step into hard places and show up with love and hope.
This moment reminded me why we do what we do at 71Five. Thank you for being part of something bigger. My hope is that this inspires you to get involved and help reach these young people in our communities.
CHRIS WILLIS, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 941-3488 | chris@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB