Nov '20

Peeling Back the Layers
Nov '20

With a black hoodie covering his head and mask covering his face, I had no idea what the new kid looked like. He didn’t say a word, he wouldn’t participate in anything, and kept disappearing. When I would find him, I would tell him he needed to stay with the group. As curious as I was about this boy, I was even more curious about why he came to club; obviously, he did not want to be there. The following week when I asked the new boy his name, a friend answered for him. To my surprise, it was the un-masked hoodie boy! That night he only disappeared twice and halfheartedly participated with the group. Frustrated with having to address his disappearing act yet again, the Lord brought to my attention that this boy, even though he struggled, was in fact making progress. What appeared to be small steps were unsurmountable feats to him. He was returning to club for a reason and seeking something that we had to offer, the hope of Jesus Christ.
The following week was a miracle. He showed up un-covered, participated in games, stayed with the group, and did not disappear; he even talked to me! You see, behaviors related to trauma can often be mistaken for disobedience. This boy was not defiant, he was broken. We at 71Five want to continue to provide a place where the broken are given a safe place to heal and an opportunity to build trust that leads to hope. FARRAH GUTHRIE 71Five Campus Coordinator- Grants Pass (541) 779-3275 farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB