Mar '22

Something Amazing Happened
Mar '22

“OK, What’s next?” David asked. He was excited to help prepare dinner for our Teen Night at 71Five City in West Medford. This was a total turn around from the David I first met. He came into Station 71Five with his face almost completely covered. His eyes were barely visible between his mask and his hair hanging low over the front of his head. He kept his distance and when I tried to make conversation he would respond with one-word answers. A few weeks later we had a dilemma, the person scheduled to make dinner for Teen Night cancelled. We had to act fast. so I asked David to accompany me to the store. Something amazing happened. On the way there he started talking and continued while we shopped. The conversation went on as David stood next to me helping me cook. At the completion of each task he asked, “OK. What’s next?” He transformed into a talkative teen who was having fun while serving. This excitement flowed for the rest of the evening.
As I drove him home he said, “Tonight was fun. What are we doing next week?” Thank you for giving David a place where he feels safe to transform.
KEN RUIZ 71Five City – West Medford Coordinator
(916) 519-4679 | ken@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB