Jun '21

teens highs & lows
Jun '21

There are a lot of highs and lows in youth ministry. One moment I can be sad from a teen I previously worked with who is a drug addict and feeding her addiction through prostitution. In another moment I can be happy about a middle schooler asking me for a Bible, knowing the Bible is going to change her life. Through all the highs and lows, I continually remind myself the results of young people accepting the wonderful hope that Jesus offers us is not in my hands. Sometimes I work with the same kids for years and years, telling them 100 different ways of how to accept Jesus, but they still don’t. It can be painful to watch their lives slowly turn further away from God even after so much love has been poured into them. Even for those kids, I know God’s Word can still impact them. I also know I’ve been called to do my part and love on kids unconditionally; and there are plenty of kid’s who’s lives do turn to Christ as a result.
What has God called you to do? Don’t let fear stop you. The results aren’t in our hands… they’re in God’s. If God is calling you to help the lost youth of our valley, please contact us. We would love to help you love on kids.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Director and 71Five Campus – North Medford Coordinator
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB