Apr '19

U’re no accident!
Apr '19

A middle school boy who goes to our North Medford 71Five Campus Youth Center told me he didn’t believe in God but rather believed in a “multiverse” where our universe is just part of an infinitely random realm. He also shared he believed we were just lucky things turned out the way they did for us to be alive. Over the course of the next 2 months, I built a strong relationship with this boy and I shared reasons why he can believe the Bible and why he can put his faith in Jesus. Very recently he told me he now believes Jesus is God and died to take away his sins. I now have the privilege of discipling this young man into a deeper relationship with Christ and for him to understand we are not an accident but rather wonderfully designed by God for a purpose. If you’re a part of Youth 71 Five Ministries, thank you so much for what you do to help reach young people like this. There are so many kids who just need to hear they are not an accident, but they are loved by Jesus and can be forgiven. If you’d like to get more involved, give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or find us on the web at 71Five.org… Thank you! TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford tim@71Five.org